TakeUs! x OpenBlox AMA Recap

7 min readApr 2, 2022

Greetings, dear community! Following up the great tradition, we are making a recap of our recent AMA for those of you who didn’t have a chance to tune in live!

The TakeUs! team was joined by two guests from the OpenBlox side: Sunil, the talented Marketing Director of OpenBlox, and Penny, the amazing Partnership Manager. We thoroughly discussed the aspects of our partnership and spend a wonderful time with our community. So let’s begin the recap!

How TakeUs! can help to improve OpenBlox? What opportunities does this partnership give us?

– OpenBlox: TakeUs help to build our relationship with a community that shares our ethos and ethics. We have been working hard on building relationships with guilds and partners that want to build in the long term and see web3 gaming as an evolution of the existing gaming model. Renting is a huge part of the OpenBlox model and this creates a diversification within the current game play. We both share a vision where renting opens more doors for gamers.

– TakeUs!: Our rental solution does not require a big amount of time on development and resources spending. From the game side, the integration takes 5 minutes. After the integration process, the OpenBlox player community will get the opportunity to rent NFTs in a decentralized and non-collateral way. Also, we provide an opportunity of implementing the technology directly into the game through an API if OpenBlox would be interested.

Your NFT is quite expensive. It may be hard to onboard beginners in the NFT space. Any programs to help beginners?

– OpenBlox: First of all, the NFTs you saw on the current secondary market are Genesis NFTs, they are pureblood and have a breeding fee-sharing feature (which can bring you passive stable/growing income), so the value is not only about having the access to the game but more like a long term investment. Secondly, the Genesis NFTs’ offspring/babies will be much cheaper, so it will be more affordable for most players. Thirdly, we plan to launch a Free to Play mode, so players can play/test our game without any investment.

Besides, we also have a rental system on our marketplace and have partnered with different platforms such as TakeUs! to offer players lower entry requirements to get access to our games.

I checked your socials and articles about P2E and want to enter this industry. How can your platform help with that? Do you plan to provide some guides for newcomers?

– TakeUs!: Right now a lot of P2E games have a high barrier of entry: in order to start playing, you need to purchase high-priced NFTs. Rentals allow to get started with a small capital. In the future, we will launch a possibility to rent NFTs without the coverage of the initial rental fee, the share of profit from NFTs will go to the owner. This way we shift from P2E to F2P combined with the possibility to earn. We want to attract as many people to the gaming sphere as possible, that’s why we will create various video and text guides for a total understanding of the platform and a better gaming experience.

– OpenBlox: We are creating an educational hub that will include detailed guidance and details on how to get started. We want to make it as simple as possible for newcomers to get started and use our current social media, feedback to us on what detail you want to see in our educational hub. The Bloxverse will never let you down.

Currently, P2E games are being created a lot. Because it’s P2E, now the player only cares about how to get capital as quickly as possible, not much care about gameplay and communication. So what does the team have planned to keep players after paying back and making a profit?

– OpenBlox: We want to be clear, we don’t actively promote a play-2-earn model. We are a P2E platform. We want you to enjoy the gaming experience with us. You will be rewarded as you go. We will also have a rental, breeding, and scholarship program (not defined the details yet) to give you more opportunities to be rewarded not to mention our in-game tokens.

Every project innovators are always on the edge of giving the positive and good features of their project, but can you kindly give a few killer features of your project which attract new players?

– OpenBlox: As I have mentioned before, we have a Free to Play mode that can attract new players to join our platform, and we are confident that we can convince them to join our platform/community and stay with us for the long term. The confidence comes from our high-quality games that can truly bring good time/joy to players.

Also because our focus on the gameplay part (we are P2E), our goal is to reach the gamers from the traditional gaming industry, which is a massively huge market.

There are several rental solutions that have already worked for some time on the market. What makes you different? What’s your strategy to stand out, and how do you want to take over this sphere?

– TakeUs!: Our rental solution is based on well-known and tested technologies. I can’t overshare the technical details yet, but we managed to build a technology that allows users to lend out and borrow assets in a decentralized and non-collateral way. This way we significantly lower the threshold of entry for newcomers that are not acquainted with crypto. The market already offers rental solutions but they are either centralized (storing NFTs on their smart contracts), require collateral (which is not user-friendly), or demand a complicated integration from the game side. Our solution eliminates all of these barriers while staying completely safe for the users and ready to work with any EVM compatible game.

High ETH commissions and the slowness of this chain are known to be a huge problem that will not be fixed anytime soon due to the ETH 2.0 delays. So why did you decide to develop OpenBlox at ETH? Do you have plans to develop a cross-chain to function in BSC?

– OpenBlox: So this is a truly great question. I am not sure how update you are but we have actually migrated to Arbitrum- L2 solution from ETH. We did this because of the high ETH Commissions and slowness plus Arbitrum is one of the best networks available to support scaling growth and breeding capabilities.

We are exploring multi-chain access atm so look out for more information very soon around which chains we may integrate. This is a hugely exciting development that we have not mentioned publicly before

How do you plan to promote your project in different countries where English is not spoken well? Do you have a local community for them to better understand your project?

– OpenBlox: We have a global community-based on every continent and we value every single of them. As the project team is aware of the language barrier the community might have, we have plans to localize the games in some languages to provide a better/smoother gaming experience. Stay Tuned!

– TakeUs!: Our mission is to help games attract new audiences, and introduce our partners to the platform’s users. We believe that the more personified our marketing strategies are, the more interest it will raise with people.

Thus, besides regular posts with announcements and giveaways, we will soon launch our Twitch and YouTube channels. To promote our game partners we will engage both our team and professional streamers to play games in real-time.

We will also localize the platform and translate it into various languages to make the experience of using our platform easy and understandable for users all around the globe and will create local communities for exchange and communication.

One of the major challenges of cryptocurrency games is the issue of tokenomics. What methods do you have to control the price and prevent the sale of tokens to encourage users to hold your token?

– OpenBlox: Great question again… so let’s be clear around our token model. We will have an in-game token per game and we have a brand platform token. The first token will be RGL. One of the major challenges of tokens is distribution channels and fair launch. We want the market to dictate the price of our token but ensuring it doesn’t get into the hands of bad actors is our paramount concern. Therefore, we are being very careful as to when the TGE will happen and which distribution channels they should be available on.

In addition, our in-game reward will have a number of in-game tokenomic rewards that we will release super soon. So look out for details closer to the game launch as to why you should hold the token.

Partnership is one of the most important aspects of a project’s success. So, after the partnership with OpenBlox, what is your mutual goal in the near future?

– TakeUs!: As we create our own rental solution, our main target is to offer an opportunity for games to use our rental technologies for their gaming projects. We will set up our platform for the proper work with OpenBlox NFTs and we also help our partners to attract new players.

– OpenBlox: Our mutual goal is obviously to grow together/build long-term projects together, and in order to achieve that we would share resources on project/community building, also get suggestions, and make our platform integrate seamlessly to deliver the best experience to our community members.

We thank the OpenBlox team for joining us and sharing so many insights about the future steps of the project! Follow us on social media and stay tuned:

Website: openblox.io


