Introducing TakeUs! — collateral-free P2E rent and mortgage platform

3 min readFeb 22, 2022

P2E keeps on attracting people interested in turning their hobby into regular income. Players, NFT owners, game developers, and guilds — everyone can benefit from this ground-breaking model. However, the inspiring system is flawed and still faces some problems. TakeUs! is working hard to solve them.

Why P2E Went Big

The game industry has never been this big before: now its market size is above $336 billion, the number of gamers surpasses 3 billion. Meanwhile, the quickly growing P2E sector is valued at $25 billion and brings $500 million in profits quarterly. The secret is that P2E is a unique model that encourages people to earn a living by playing instead of spending time on dull jobs. Next, it enables NFT owners to get extra profits, boosts the development of gaming and contributes to lifting some people out of poverty.

P2E Problems

With all the obvious advantages listed, P2E is not as beneficial as it could be. For instance, to start playing, earning, and progressing in a game, scholars need legit assets that tend to be pricey. Considering that most players are located in developing countries, they can’t afford expensive upfront investments. Put simply, they are prevented from entering P2E.

Guilds aim to resolve this issue and enable users to borrow NFTs from owners who, as a rule, lack financial benefits and lose their assets due to thefts. However, guilds also face challenges. Firstly, to acquire assets they have to attract huge capital. Secondly, they are limited in selection, because many games have their own scholarship systems. Games Studios, in their turn, spend time, money, and ressources to create lending platforms that will attract users. In a word, all participants of P2E processes are faced with difficulties that could be alleviated with the help of a legit platform.

TakeUs! Snapshot

TakeUs! is a collateral-free P2E rental and mortgage platform that allows safe and sound NFT loans for the P2E community. In a nutshell, TakeUs! meets the highest security standards for Ethereum-based protocols and enables users to collaborate their wallets with DApps and other wallets safely. TakeUs! does it all without the need for complicated game integrations, which ends up being a boon for Game Developers.

What TakeUs! Does

TakeUs! is a project simultaneously beneficial for players (renters), guilds, NFT owners, and Game Studios. First of all, it lets players enter P2E without third parties and investments. They just join the project and start earning. Secondly, TakeUs! enables guilds to expand their gaming borders and collaborate with more games and scholars in a secure way. Thirdly, NFT owners are guaranteed to get inspiring profits. Meanwhile, with all the technologies applied, their assets will be protected, so nobody will be able to steal them. Last but not least, TakeUs! gives Game Studios a chance to attract new players without any need to develop their own scholarship system.


P2E is more than a trend: this promising field is sure to change the whole gaming industry. This is why we built TakeUs!; we hope to contribute to the growth of this new model by streamlining the process for everybody that has a part to play in the game.





Written by TakeUs!

Non-collateral lending platform for game assets.

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