Inclusivity Issues: Traditional Gaming VS Play to Earn

4 min readApr 11, 2022

All over the world, employees in the gaming industry face discrimination against their race, gender, age, disability, and sexual orientation. People involved in the field claim that the matter of inclusivity should be solved. Can P2E help fix it? Let’s answer this question by checking facts about discrimination in gaming and the solutions P2E offers.

Race Discrimination

According to this research, in 2020, one in four Black (24%) and Hispanic employees (24%) faced racial discrimination in the workplace. Meanwhile, with all the racist stereotypes depicted in products, the unhealthy atmosphere among players, and uncomfortable working conditions, gaming is said to “reach a new low” and, for instance, make Black employees almost invisible.

UK Games Industry Census marked that only 2% of the industry’s employees are Black. The real number of employees and players of color is supposed to be bigger. For example, this research proves that people of color make up 25% of game developers. However, they experience numerous racist assaults and microaggressions, especially women.

Gender Discrimination

The gaming industry has always been notorious for “chronic mucho culture” with stereotypically portrayed female characters. As for the real people, 41% of players are women, and 77% of them have faced harassment. Despite discrimination, 87% of female players don’t want to quit gaming, so, 76% of them have to hide their gender. Those who play professionally earn millions less than men.

Meanwhile, not only the players suffer. Due to the discrimination, the industry lacks female employees. For instance, only 30% of developers are women. Those who enter the field despite all the difficulties, still earn 98% less than men.

Age Discrimination

Nowadays, employers in their 60s are the fastest-growing workforce segment. Meanwhile, 22% of all discrimination claims reported to the EEOC in 2020 were age-related. In gaming, ageism is especially problematic. The research shows that two-thirds of employees in the industry are between the ages of 20 and 34.

Employers don’t tend to hire the old and experienced experts, because, though they may be more efficient, they are likely to expect higher salaries, more likely not to fit the culture, more prone to burnouts, and have fewer innovative ideas. All these stereotypes lead to the decrease of mature professionals in the field.

Disability Discrimination

From 20% to 30% of the gaming audience is represented by people with disabilities who claim that this industry enables them to normalize their life, make new connections, and earn. Players rarely claim about being harassed due to their health issues. However, they have problems due to the need for special equipment.

The situation has changed: now 56% of disabled players claim that accessibility has significantly improved. Meanwhile, they still are not likely to make the most of gaming at home, don’t open up about their disabilities, and, similarly to other industries, are nearly two times less prone to get a job than candidates without disabilities.

LGBTQ+ Discrimination

Nielsen Games 360 Survey shows that 10% of gamers are LGBTQ+. Meanwhile, LGBTQ+ representation in gaming is still dramatically low and the discrimination rates are high. According to the research, 73% of LGBTQ+ players experienced harassment based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. As a result, 35% of LGBTQ+ gamers don’t disclose their identity, and 40% of them stop playing.

In terms of work, there are over 10% of LGBTQ+ workers in the gaming industry. Numerous LGBTQ+ developers made significant contributions to the field, but they still face discrimination and claim that more diversity is needed.

How do these issues affect P2E Gaming?

Based on human values, P2E is aimed to decrease unemployment rates worldwide by creating a discrimination-free working space. Such platforms as TakeUs make this dream come true by offering players digitalization, decentralization, immutability, and the benefits of the trustless blockchain.


Complete digitalization in P2E enables people of all ethnicities, health conditions, genders, ages, and sexual orientations to work equally without facing any discrimination.


Decentralization makes P2E anonymous: nobody will be able to distinguish any personal details of the players, such as their location, real name, age, or gender. Consequently, employees have zero risks of being blamed or harassed.


The P2E payment model is transparent: wages don’t vary by race, gender, age, sexual orientation, or disabilities. Scholars are paid the sum that is decided beforehand and cannot be changed mid-course unless both parties agree. Additionally, scholars are paid not for the time, but for results, also, they have remote options.

Trustless System

In Blockchain, there are no third parties who can intervene in the game or change its rules. Once a player accepts a smart contract, it will execute.


In traditional gaming, discrimination seems to be a rule. However, thanks to Blockchain technologies, P2E is likely to break it and set a new, healthier flow of play. This industry unites game lovers of all social groups and enables them to make a living and unlock their potential. We enjoy it now and hope that the dynamics will be the same to attract more players and inspire the gaming industry to fight against social injustices.


